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Know Thy Neighbor: Crime Prevention Tips


06 Apr

Crime is not just a distant issue or a news headline; it impacts our daily lives in tangible ways. Whether it’s a personal incident, shoplifting from a local store, or theft from a business, the costs associated with these crimes eventually get passed down to consumers through higher prices. That’s why crime prevention is a community-wide concern—it benefits us all.

Here are some straightforward steps you can take to help prevent crime and protect yourself, your property, and your community:


1. Get to Know Your Neighbours

Building a strong community starts with knowing the people around you. Organize a block party or a neighborhood gathering to foster relationships. When you’re familiar with your neighbors, you’ll be more likely to notice anything unusual or out of place. If you see a strange vehicle or unfamiliar people in your neighborhood, don’t hesitate to contact law enforcement. It’s better to err on the side of caution.


2. Secure Your Valuables

Don’t leave valuables out in the open or in easily accessible places. Keep your keys, wallet, and other important items in a secure location. Avoid leaving them in your vehicle, as this can make your car a target for theft.


3. Enhance Outdoor Lighting

Good lighting around your property can deter criminal activity. Ensure that your yard and entryways are well-lit to make it more difficult for potential intruders to approach unnoticed.


4. Protect Important Documents

Minimize the number of important documents you carry daily. Photocopy essential items in your wallet, such as ID cards and credit cards. This will make it easier to replace them if they go missing.


5. Arrange for Property Care While You’re Away

If you’re going to be away from home, ask someone to check on your property. They can maintain the appearance of your home by cleaning sidewalks, picking up newspapers, and mowing the lawn. Inform your alarm company about your absence and ensure that your keyholder information is current.


6. Maintain a Clean Yard

Keep your yard tidy and clear of items that could be used as tools for burglary, such as ladders and tools. A well-maintained yard with a clear line of sight to the street can help deter criminals.


7. Inventory Your Belongings

Keep a detailed inventory of your belongings, including serial numbers and identifying marks. Store this information in a safe place. This will be invaluable if you need to file a police report for theft or damage.


8. Be Respectful and Foster Good Neighbourhood Relations

Mutual respect is key to a strong community. Treat others with respect, and you’re more likely to receive the same in return. Building good relationships with your neighbors creates a supportive network that can help prevent crime.


9. Avoid Sharing Your Travel Plans on Social Media

Refrain from posting about your trip or intentions to travel on social media until you return. Publicly announcing your absence can make your home an attractive target for burglars.


10. Report Suspicious Activity

If you see something suspicious, call the police immediately. Social media posts are not a substitute for notifying law enforcement. Reporting suspicious activity ensures that the police can respond quickly and take appropriate action.

By following these simple yet effective crime prevention tips, you contribute to the safety and security of your community. Remember, crime prevention is a collective effort, and every action helps make our neighborhoods safer for everyone.

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